Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More Soros Money Used to Attack Governor Sarah Palin

NOTE: This article was originally published on a different site. Both the article and the writer have been removed from that site involuntarily. I do, however, understand the reasons for it, and I expected it.

I think it is important for the writing to be read; therefore, I am posting it here.

Governor Sarah Palin’s resignation speech of July 3, 2008, along with the reasons she provided, were obviously exactly what the Palin supporters wanted to hear. When the funding report for Palin’s SarahPAC was filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Anchorage Daily News (ADN) reported that through June 30, the political action fund had received almost $733,000 in donations since being established roughly six months ago. Meg Stapleton, SarahPAC spokesperson, added that since the resignation announcement, another $200,000 has been received.

Following her announcement in early July, Governor Palin began speaking out about the injustice she sees with Mr. Obama’s new policies for America. One of the areas in which the knowledge and wisdom of Sarah Palin should have special attention paid is her expertise in the field of energy. She wrote an op-ed piece which appeared in the Washington Post on July 14, 2009. She correctly pointed out the short-comings of the cap-and-trade bill Mr. Obama has pushed so secretively to the American people using his Democrat – controlled Congress.

On a day when Andree McLeod filed yet another ethics charge (number 20, if you’re counting), CNN is now reporting that has begun sending e-mails to its members asking them to fund a response ad “blasting Palin’s new Washington Post op-ed.” is trying to make the supporters of Governor Palin believe that her article was “a marvel of misinformation and outright lies.” Her supporters, of course, will not believe this effort to smear Governor Palin’s wealth of knowledge in this area, but rest assured this is nothing more than another George Soros attack.

George Soros is the “pocket” the money is coming from to fund the Democratic Party attacks on Governor Palin, and he has plenty of it to dole out. is just one of the many front organizations allowing him to more securely implant Socialism into America. His OSI (Open Society Institute) is the manner he uses to fund all of his puppet organizations, only one of which is the Democratic Party.

He and his “institutes” and “organizations” provided the money that has been used in every effort to belittle Governor Palin. ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is also behind the voter fraud that occurred during the presidential election of 2008 in various states, and he had the money to dissuade the states involved from pursuing the illegalities in a court of law where they should have been taken for criminal prosecution.

There have been times when it is painfully obvious that George Soros is behind all of these efforts. Such was the case in the CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) attempt to dissuade the positive public opinion of Governor Palin as they sought an FOIA in the Troopergate matter as well as the formal complaint they filed with the Federal Elections Commission in regards to the clothing purchased for her and her family by the Republican National Committee.

The previously mentioned ACORN involvement in the Democratic Party, LaRaza and Supreme Court appointee Sotomayer, and this newest effort are also obvious attempts by George Soros to bring this coup against our Democracy and convert it to Socialism.

The fact that he “owns” the Democratic Party by the very donations that he makes both personally and through his front groups directly involves him in the attempts to ruin, both politically and personally, Governor Sarah Palin. His goal of a Socialist America is directly threatened by her and her supporters from grass-roots America. He knows that as long as she is speaking out, people will listen. He recognizes that the best way to halt her progress is to provide reasons to doubt her veracity.

What he hasn’t counted on is that the American people are not excited about having strings attached to our arms and legs and manipulated to do his bidding. Many of the American people are not, that is, because it does appear that the Democrats in America are willing. So far, they’ve been doing his bidding with what must be considered, by Soros, as disastrous results.

This latest attempt will end the same way.

Part of the methodology George Soros uses behind the scenes is known as the “Cloward –Piven” strategy. Cloward-Piven is a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. (See The Cloward-Piven Strategy to implement socialist revolution: as well as the following sources:,

First proposed in 1966 by Columbia University political scientists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the initial plan was to bankrupt the welfare system in America and introduce what could be considered as a radical change in replacing it. The main idea is to use a strategy of introducing crises.

The Cloward-Piven approach in this instance called for the welfare rolls to be swamped with new applications which would result in economic collapse leading to political turmoil and ultimately to Socialism.

The welfare crisis that bankrupted New York City in 1975 was the result of the use of this strategy by The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), founded by African-American militant George Alvin Wiley.

From the NWRO grew new movements such as the Living Wage Movement and the Voting Rights Movement, both of which are reliant upon ACORN, a George Soros front-group, depending heavily upon the financial support from another George Soros front-group, Open Society Institute.

The Cloward-Piven plan uses “aggressive community organizers” to create a crisis of militancy. Intimidated by violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for assistance in handling the “crisis” through carefully orchestrated media campaigns by leftwing journalists to introduce a federal program of income redistribution much like Mr. Obama’s “share the wealth” plan during his presidential campaign.

Although the goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy itself was a Marxist society, George Soros has adopted it to his ideas of Socialism, put it to work in the Democratic Party, and with his careful honing of some of the “rough spots” made it into a much more efficient weapon against the American people than the original developers could have hoped.

This is the strategy George Soros is using against Governor Sarah Palin. It can be seen in the fact that as this article is written, twenty ethics complaints have been filed in Alaska by Alaskans who have been “bought and paid for” by the George Soros-funded and Cloward-Pivens Strategy-driven Alaska Democratic Party. It is the same strategy Soros has used and is using to force Socialism on the American people using one of his puppets, Barack Obama.

1 comment:

  1. It is obvious that there is a push to get all the marbles. By first funding, thus having the ability to withdraw those funds, Soros has everyone at his beck and call.

    Well written and yes, it needs to be seen!
